World Wide Climate Justice Education Week
February 13, 2024
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Registration is closed
We have just experienced the hottest year in human history with more to come. As global leaders, w
e each have obligations
to learn about the climate crisis and educate others about how to move from climate despair to climate repair.
Bard College invites all Globally community members to learn about
Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week,
(April 1-8 2024). Over the past two years we have catalyzed over 600 events in more than 70 countries reaching around 100,000 people. Organizers come from academia, K-12 education, NGOs and community groups and faith communities. Join us to find out how you can be involved. For a preview, w
atch our 3 minute video
Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week 2024 - YouTube
David E. Blockstein, Ph.D., Climate Education Week
Co-Director and Advisor to Globally's Emerging Leaders in Climate Action, will give a brief summary of the global climate situation, present
Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week
and opportunities for participation. We will also discuss opportunities to expand Globally's work on climate justice and solutions.
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