View or download the <NASS Program 2022 Final.pdf> to learn more about our session topics and distinguished speakers!
Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP) Tokyo is proud to announce its inaugural “Northeast Asia Security Symposium” (NASS). The online event will feature experts, leaders, and mid-career scholars in defense, academia, and foreign policy to discuss pressing regional topics relevant to trilateral security in Japan, Korea, and the United States. These speakers will share their insight on the current and future state of security affairs in the region and will provide guidance and perspective for young leaders in this dynamic and quickly changing field.
If you are interested in or involved in policy, international or security affairs, we highly encourage you to join us for this engaging event. Please mark your calendars for March 28th and 29th and sign up for the Save the Date at this link:!
Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP、外交政策の若手プロフェッショナル) 東京は、当団体初の「北東アジア安全保障シンポジウム」(NASS) を開催いたします。このオンラインイベントでは、防衛、学術、外交政策の専門家、リーダー、中堅研究者を招き、日韓米三国の安全保障に関連する喫緊の地域課題について議論します。講演者は、この地域における安全保障問題の現状と未来について見識を共有し、このダイナミックで変化の激しい分野で活躍する若手リーダーたちに向けて様々な指導と観点を提供します。
Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP)이 주최하는 1회 동북아시아 안보 심포지옴 (Northeast Asia Security Symposium: NASS)에 초대합니다. 온라인으로 개최될 금번 행사는 외교·안보·국방 분야 실무자들과 학계 전문가 등 각계각층의 인사가 참석해 한미일 3국 안보에 관련된 역내 현안 등을 토의하게 될 것입니다.동북아시아 안보 심포지옴은 동 지역의 급변하는 안보환경의 현재와 미래에 대해 초청 연사들이 식견을 나누고 그들의 견해와 비전을 외교·안보 분야 미래 지도자들과 공유하는 자리가 될 것입니다.
외교·안보 및 정책 분야에 종사하고 계시거나 관심을 갖고 계신분들의 적극적인 참여를 기대합니다. 3월 28일과 29일 양일에 걸쳐 진행될 동 행사에 대한 알림을 받고 싶으신 분들은 아래 링크를 통해 접수하시면 연락 드리도록 하겠습니다.
NASS Co-Directors: Julian Gluck and Byron Muhlenberg
NASS共同ディレクター:Julian Gluck、Byron Muhlenberg
For NASS inquiries, please contact NASS Co-Director & YPFP Tokyo Programs Officer, Byron Muhlenberg:
About YPFP Tokyo | YPFP 東京とは
Founded in 2021, Tokyo is the newest YPFP branch and the first in Asia, reinforcing a commitment to truly global leadership. Providing a nexus of engagement for scholars, students, professionals, and thought leaders across sectors, Tokyo connects people from around the world with those living in and interested in Asia.
Join YPFP Tokyo!